Connection Options¶
- -h, --host¶
The host to connect to
- -u, --user¶
Username with the necessary privileges
- -p, --password¶
User password
- -a, --ask-password¶
Prompt For User password
- -P, --port¶
TCP/IP port to connect to
- -S, --socket¶
UNIX domain socket file to use for connection
- --protocol¶
The protocol to use for connection (tcp, socket)
- -C, --compress-protocol¶
Use compression on the MySQL connection
- --ssl¶
Connect using SSL
- --ssl-mode¶
Desired security state of the connection to the server: DISABLED, PREFERRED, REQUIRED, VERIFY_CA, VERIFY_IDENTITY
- --key¶
The path name to the key file
- --cert¶
The path name to the certificate file
- --ca¶
The path name to the certificate authority file
- --capath¶
The path name to a directory that contains trusted SSL CA certificates in PEM format
- --cipher¶
A list of permissible ciphers to use for SSL encryption
- --tls-version¶
Which protocols the server permits for encrypted connections
Filter Options¶
- -x, --regex¶
Regular expression for 'db.table' matching
- -B, --database¶
Comma delimited list of databases to dump
- -i, --ignore-engines¶
Comma delimited list of storage engines to ignore
- --where¶
Dump only selected records.
- -U, --updated-since¶
Use Update_time to dump only tables updated in the last U days
- --partition-regex¶
Regex to filter by partition name.
- -O, --omit-from-file¶
File containing a list of database.table entries to skip, one per line (skips before applying regex option)
- -T, --tables-list¶
Comma delimited table list to dump (does not exclude regex option). Table name must include database name. For instance: test.t1,test.t2
Lock Options¶
- -z, --tidb-snapshot¶
Snapshot to use for TiDB
- -k, --no-locks¶
This option is deprecated use --sync-thread-lock-mode instead
- --lock-all-tables¶
This option is deprecated use --sync-thread-lock-mode instead
- --sync-thread-lock-mode¶
There are 3 modes that can be use to sync: FTWRL, LOCK_ALL and GTID. If you don't need a consistent backup, use: NO_LOCK. More info Default: AUTO which uses the best option depending on the database vendor
- --use-savepoints¶
Use savepoints to reduce metadata locking issues, needs SUPER privilege
- --no-backup-locks¶
Do not use Percona backup locks
- --less-locking¶
This option is deprecated and its behaviour is the default which is useful if you don't have transaction tables. Use --trx-tables otherwise
- --trx-consistency-only¶
This option is deprecated use --trx-tables instead
- --trx-tables¶
The backup process change if we known that we are exporitng transactional tables only
- --skip-ddl-locks¶
Do not send DDL locks when possible
PMM Options¶
- --pmm-path¶
which default value will be /usr/local/percona/pmm2/collectors/textfile-collector/high-resolution
- --pmm-resolution¶
which default will be high
Exec Options¶
- --exec-threads¶
Amount of threads to use with --exec
- --exec¶
Command to execute using the file as parameter
- --exec-per-thread¶
Set the command that will receive by STDIN and write in the STDOUT into the output file
- --exec-per-thread-extension¶
Set the extension for the STDOUT file when --exec-per-thread is used
- --long-query-retries¶
Retry checking for long queries, default 0 (do not retry)
- --long-query-retry-interval¶
Time to wait before retrying the long query check in seconds, default 60
- -l, --long-query-guard¶
Set long query timer in seconds, default 60
- -K, --kill-long-queries¶
Kill long running queries (instead of aborting)
Job Options¶
- --max-threads-per-table¶
Maximum number of threads per table to use
- --char-deep¶
Defines the amount of characters to use when the primary key is a string
- --char-chunk¶
Defines in how many pieces should split the table. By default we use the amount of threads
- -r, --rows¶
Spliting tables into chunks of this many rows. It can be MIN:START_AT:MAX. MAX can be 0 which means that there is no limit. It will double the chunk size if query takes less than 1 second and half of the size if it is more than 2 seconds
- --rows-hard¶
This set the MIN and MAX limit when even if --rows is 0
- --split-partitions¶
Dump partitions into separate files. This options overrides the --rows option for partitioned tables.
Checksum Options¶
- -M, --checksum-all¶
Dump checksums for all elements
- --data-checksums¶
Dump table checksums with the data
- --schema-checksums¶
Dump schema table and view creation checksums
- --routine-checksums¶
Dump triggers, functions and routines checksums
Objects Options¶
- -m, --no-schemas¶
Do not dump table schemas with the data and triggers
- -Y, --all-tablespaces¶
Dump all the tablespaces.
- -d, --no-data¶
Do not dump table data
- -G, --triggers¶
Dump triggers. By default, it do not dump triggers
- -E, --events¶
Dump events. By default, it do not dump events
- -R, --routines¶
Dump stored procedures and functions. By default, it do not dump stored procedures nor functions
- --skip-constraints¶
Remove the constraints from the CREATE TABLE statement. By default, the statement is not modified
- --skip-indexes¶
Remove the indexes from the CREATE TABLE statement. By default, the statement is not modified
- --views-as-tables¶
Export VIEWs as they were tables
- -W, --no-views¶
Do not dump VIEWs
Statement Options¶
- --load-data¶
Instead of creating INSERT INTO statements, it creates LOAD DATA statements and .dat files. This option will be deprecated on future releases use --format
- --csv¶
Automatically enables --load-data and set variables to export in CSV format. This option will be deprecated on future releases use --format
- --format¶
Set the output format which can be INSERT, LOAD_DATA, CSV or CLICKHOUSE. Default: INSERT
- --include-header¶
When --load-data or --csv is used, it will include the header with the column name
- --fields-terminated-by¶
Defines the character that is written between fields
- --fields-enclosed-by¶
Defines the character to enclose fields. Default: "
- --fields-escaped-by¶
Single character that is going to be used to escape characters in theLOAD DATA stament, default: ''
- --lines-starting-by¶
Adds the string at the begining of each row. When --load-data is usedit is added to the LOAD DATA statement. Its affects INSERT INTO statementsalso when it is used.
- --lines-terminated-by¶
Adds the string at the end of each row. When --load-data is used it isadded to the LOAD DATA statement. Its affects INSERT INTO statementsalso when it is used.
- --statement-terminated-by¶
This might never be used, unless you know what are you doing
- -N, --insert-ignore¶
Dump rows with INSERT IGNORE
- --replace¶
Dump rows with REPLACE
- --complete-insert¶
Use complete INSERT statements that include column names
- --hex-blob¶
Dump binary columns using hexadecimal notation
- --skip-definer¶
Removes DEFINER from the CREATE statement. By default, statements are not modified
- -s, --statement-size¶
Attempted size of INSERT statement in bytes, default 1000000
- --tz-utc¶
SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' at top of dump to allow dumping of TIMESTAMP data when a server has data in different time zones or data is being moved between servers with different time zones, defaults to on use --skip-tz-utc to disable.
- --skip-tz-utc¶
Doesn't add SET TIMEZONE on the backup files
- --set-names¶
Sets the names, use it at your own risk, default binary
Extra Options¶
- -F, --chunk-filesize¶
Split data files into pieces of this size in MB. Useful for myloader multi-threading.
- --exit-if-broken-table-found¶
Exits if a broken table has been found
- --success-on-1146¶
Not increment error count and Warning instead of Critical in case of table doesn't exist
- -e, --build-empty-files¶
Build dump files even if no data available from table
- --no-check-generated-fields¶
Queries related to generated fields are not going to be executed.It will lead to restoration issues if you have generated columns
- --order-by-primary¶
Sort the data by Primary Key or Unique key if no primary key exists
- --compact¶
Give less verbose output. Disables header/footer constructs.
- -c, --compress¶
Compress output files using: /usr/bin/gzip and /usr/bin/zstd. Options: GZIP and ZSTD. Default: GZIP
- --use-defer¶
Use defer integer sharding until all non-integer PK tables processed (saves RSS for huge quantities of tables)
- --check-row-count¶
Run SELECT COUNT(*) and fail mydumper if dumped row count is different
Daemon Options¶
- -D, --daemon¶
Enable daemon mode
- -I, --snapshot-interval¶
Interval between each dump snapshot (in minutes), requires --daemon, default 60
- -X, --snapshot-count¶
number of snapshots, default 2
Application Options:¶
- -?, --help¶
Show help options
- -o, --outputdir¶
Directory to output files to
- --clear¶
Clear output directory before dumping
- --dirty¶
Overwrite output directory without clearing (beware of leftower chunks)
- --stream¶
It will stream over STDOUT once the files has been written. Since v0.12.7-1, accepts NO_DELETE, NO_STREAM_AND_NO_DELETE and TRADITIONAL which is the default value and used if no parameter is given and also NO_STREAM since v0.16.3-1
- -L, --logfile¶
Log file name to use, by default stdout is used
- --disk-limits¶
Set the limit to pause and resume if determines there is no enough disk space.Accepts values like: '<resume>:<pause>' in MB.For instance: 100:500 will pause when there is only 100MB free and willresume if 500MB are available
- --masquerade-filename¶
Masquerades the filenames
- -t, --threads¶
Number of threads to use, 0 means to use number of CPUs. Default: 4
- -V, --version¶
Show the program version and exit
- -v, --verbose¶
Verbosity of output, 0 = silent, 1 = errors, 2 = warnings, 3 = info, default 2
- --debug¶
Turn on debugging output (automatically sets verbosity to 3)
- --defaults-file¶
Use a specific defaults file. Default: /etc/mydumper.cnf
- --defaults-extra-file¶
Use an additional defaults file. This is loaded after --defaults-file, replacing previous defined values
- --source-control-command¶
Instruct the proper commands to execute depending where are configuring the replication. Options: TRADITIONAL, AWS
- --source-data¶
It will include the options in the metadata file, to allow myloader to establish replication