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Welcome to MyDumper ProjectΒΆ

MyDumper was born out of necessity. mysqldump remains the norm for MySQL logical backups but to this day it remains a single-threaded process.

For large databases, the only feasible way to take a logical backup - and restore it - in a reasonable amount of time is by parallelizing the process and executing it using multiple threads, which is the core value of MyDumper.

MyDumper is a MySQL Logical Backup Tool with 2 programs:

  • mydumper is responsible to export a consistent backup of MySQL databases

  • myloader reads the backup from mydumper, connects to the destination database and imports the backup.

MyDumper is Open Source and maintained by the community, it is not a Percona, MariaDB or MySQL product.

The tools developed in this Project are based on C, GLib and support the client libraries of Percona, MariaDB and MySQL.